ACC applies for Century City Football to be put into liquidation

Tuesday 28 September 2010, 10:29AM




The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) wishes to advise that it has today applied to the
Courts to put Century City Football into liquidation.

“Century City Football owes more than $260,000 in unpaid levies to ACC, some of it dating back
several years. They have promised to pay many times but not done so. We have even agreed
payment plans with them but these have not been honoured” said Dr Keith McLea, Acting Chief
Executive of ACC.

“Liquidation is the final option and is a step we have not taken lightly. We fully appreciate the potential
impact on the Wellington Phoenix football team”, Dr McLea said.

“But in the end, it's simply not fair that other business levy payers are forced to continue subsidising
Century City Football, since injured staff members of Century City Football are still helped by ACC
whether or not their employer has paid its levies”.

“We believe we have been more than reasonable, over an extended period, with Century City
Football. We also need to be consistent with how we would treat any other business. So we cannot
simply write off this debt”.

As this matter is now before the Courts ACC will be making no further comment.