Green light for Stockton Hydro a breakthrough

Friday 1 October 2010, 2:42PM

By Green Party



The Green Party welcomed news today that Solid Energy has withdrawn its appeal against Hydro Development Limited’s (HDL) resource consent to build a power station on the Stockton plateau.

“Finally, we have a breakthrough for smart new power generation on the West Coast,” said Green Party conservation spokesperson, Kevin Hague.

“The green light for the power scheme at Stockton leaves Meridian’s proposed power scheme on the Mokihinui River redundant, saving a pristine river valley from destruction.

“HDL’s ingenious and environmentally positive scheme was always clearly the better of the two schemes. HDL’s power scheme will actually enhance the water quality of the heavily polluted Ngakawau River and the scheme will be located in a highly-modified landscape, unlike Meridian’s competing proposal.

“Add the already consented Arnold power scheme and the West Coast will be self-sufficient in power for the foreseeable future,” said Mr Hague.

Meridian Energy currently proposes to build an 80 metre dam on the Mokihinui River in high-value conservation land. The resulting 300 hectare inundation of untouched wilderness would be the largest of its kind in New Zealand’s history.

“It's time for Meridian to cut their losses and save everyone an awful lot of time, money, and uncertainty by abandoning the Mokihinui proposal,” said Mr Hague.

“Damming the wild Mokihinui River is now completely unnecessary.”

West Coast Energy Snapshot:
West Coast’s current annual demand for electricity: 220 GWh
Mokihinui hydro scheme: 310-360 GWh (85MW peak capacity)
HDL Stockton hydro scheme: 240 GWh (25MW peak capacity)
Arnold hydro scheme: 190-220 GWh (46MW peak capacity)
Amethyst hydro scheme: 35 GWh (8MW peak capacity)