The New Zealand Wine Directory & Webfeet Launch Wine Website Design Service...

Friday 29 October 2010, 11:12PM

By The New Zealand Wine Directory


The New Zealand Wine Directory is pleased to announce the launch of a new partnership with Webfeet, an Auckland based website design company.

The idea for the new partnership is simple: Webfeet designs and builds custom websites for wineries, vineyards and wine related business in New Zealand - The New Zealand Wine Directory then promotes and markets those wine websites locally and globally to millions of wine lovers around the world.

The New Zealand Wine Directory is the fastest growing New Zealand based wine resource online. Their sole purpose and vision is linking the world to New Zealand's Wine online via collected links to all things NZ wine related. These 'connections' are made easily accessible and freely available via the directory for use by millions of wine lovers both in NZ and worldwide.

John Bartlett said "Think of The New Zealand Wine Directory as a signpost rather than a destination - a place where the searching for, finding and organizing of New Zealand wine related website links has been done for you, so you don't have to."

To date during October, visitors from around the globe have viewed over 25,000 pages on the website, in turn visiting many 100's of New Zealand's wine websites where they can explore, read, learn, share and purchase wine and enjoying the product of our industries' grape growers and wine makers.

Webfeet's John Crisford has many years experience in the Website design and build industry and with the new tools now available for web designers to use, is able to build very functional and high quality websites not only for the NZ wine industry and community, but for any business wanting an enhanced web presence.

John C. said "In these somewhat uncertain times business has turned to the web as the most cost effective form of marketing, more so than ever before. If you don't have a web presence.. you can be very sure that your competition will!"

From a simple brochure style website to a full e-commerce site, Webfeet builds websites using the latest Content Management Systems that meet all their client's requirements - examples of their work is available to view on their website.

Jointly the new partnership will be able to provide website design and build services and promotion, marketing and advertising opportunities, improving online visibility, increasing visitor traffic and pointing more potential customers in "the right direction."

To find out more about the The New Zealand Wine Directory / Webfeet partnership please visit...