World Champion lines up for Kellogg's Nutri-Grain Ironman New Zealand

Tuesday 30 November 2010, 11:26AM

By Sports Media NZ


Australia's Mirinda Carfrae celebrates victory in the Ironman World Championship in Hawaii in October.
Australia's Mirinda Carfrae celebrates victory in the Ironman World Championship in Hawaii in October. Credit: Ironman NZ


Double World Champion Mirinda Carfrae has confirmed her entry for next year’s Kellogg’s Nutri-Grain Ironman New Zealand.

Carfrae, who won the Ironman World Championship in Hawaii in October, will line-up for the 27th Ironman New Zealand on March 5, the first time that a reigning Ironman world champion has competed at Taupo.

This will set up a mouth-watering battle against defending champion and seven-time winner Joanna Lawn.

The New Zealander is pushing to join Ironman legend Paula Newby-Fraser as an eight-time winner of the same Ironman event

The 29-year-old Carfrae won the Ironman 70.3 World Championship in 2007 and finished runner-up in her first attempt at the Ironman World Championship last year, setting a new run course record in the process.

The Australian has enjoyed an outstanding 2010 season with four wins over the 70.3 distance on her way to an outstanding victory in Hawaii two months ago where she lowered her own run record to a remarkable 2:53.32.

Carfrae said her victory in Hawaii was a major breakthrough in only her third Ironman.

“Winning Kona was a huge goal for me. To tick that off in just my second time in Hawaii was great. It has set me apart from many others – in that I have that world title. But I don’t really see myself any differently. I love the sport and I love racing – and want to keep improving.”

The Queenslander said she had heard a lot about the oldest International Ironman.

“It’s got such great history and great champions have raced there. Jo Lawn has won seven times and she is not going to go down easily at home. I know winning at home is her number one aim of the year.”

While Carfrae will be in early season build-up, she believes her best is still ahead of her.

“From the first year to second year was a huge learning curve and I had massive improvement this year. I think you learn each time you race an ironman. The first year I was very tentative. I felt a little more confident to push a bit harder this time.

“It’s given me more confidence to race the Ironman distance and hopefully I can achieve that again in Taupo.”

Lawn says the battle against the world champion will take some pressure off his chase for an eighth win.

“After all she is the world champion and that will mean the focus will be on her. I am definitely going to need to raise my game although she is coming to my home to race.

“We have trained together in Colorado and she is a great athlete. I’m excited by the challenge.”

Kellogg’s Nutri-Grain Ironman New Zealand Event Director Jane Patterson said it was a huge coup to attract a reigning Ironman World Champion for the first time in Taupo and the battle with Lawn will be extraordinary.

“Mirinda will add considerably to both the race and the stature of the event. And Jo has been virtually unbeatable in Taupo. It is an exciting announcement for what is shaping to be an outstanding race.”

Ms Patterson said that Ironman New Zealand is well placed as an early season race to attract more professionals with the new regulation requiring athletes to enter one other Ironman other than the world championship.