Record number of events this Coromandel summer

Thursday 9 December 2010, 11:08AM

By Thames Coromandel District Council



Visitors and residents can expect an epic summer on the Coromandel Peninsula if the number of event applications already received by the Thames-Coromandel District Council (TCDC) is anything to go by.

A record number of applications have already been received and TCDC staff are working hard to ensure that applications already received are processed in time to allow them to proceed.

However, the demand has been such that the Council has had to put a temporary halt on new event applications from commercial organisations for events on reserves between now and 14 January 2011.

TCDC Community Services Manager, John Rich said TCDC has allowed as much flexibility as possible to process late event applications so that no one misses out. "We feel the summer events have contributed to the safer family oriented summers we've had in recent years and because of that, we try to accommodate as many late applications as we can."

"This summer looks especially vibrant at our traditional hotspots."

Organisers planning commercial events on Council reserves are usually required to apply to TCDC 75 days before the event.

TCDC staff members are still doing their best to process applications from non-profit community groups for events before January 14, but due to the volume of applications, this can no longer be guaranteed.

Applications for events on reserves after 14 January 2011 are still being accepted as usual.