Raunchiest theatre show ever seen in NZ to open as part of Auckland's fringe festival next week

Monday 21 February 2011, 8:28AM

By Word of Mouth Media NZ


S-Show actors Colin Garlick and Jacqui Nauman, outside the Galatos in Newton
S-Show actors Colin Garlick and Jacqui Nauman, outside the Galatos in Newton Credit: Word of Mouth Media NZ


The Sex Show, one of the raunchiest theatre shows ever to be seen on a New Zealand stage, will open next week as part seen of Auckland’s fringe festival.

The opening night is February 28 and will run for nine nights at the Galatos in Newton until March 8. The R18-rated show by Auckland’s Outfit Theatre Company is about the sex lives of people who live in Auckland.

Theatre production manager Ema Barton said New Zealanders can be conservative about sex and expressing their sexuality.

``The characters of our show include party girls, archetypal Kiwi binge-drinking blokes, a high profile womanising rugby player, an over-zealous youth pastor and his sheltered wife, a male dance teacher trying to save his marriage, a blossoming Lolita eager to seduce her teacher etc.

``This is not porn or smut on stage. It is a naughty black comedy with moments that produces laughter, tears and is thought-provoking. We will explore what is the modern Kiwi's sexual identity, culture, attitudes and etiquette and leave our audience pondering on this question.

``Our reputation as a theatre company for producing high quality, entertaining, topical drama is expanding. We have produced eight successful shows to date and are developing a loyal audience in Auckland.’’

Barton said they are all professionally trained actors, most with degrees in acting for screen and theatre.