More Cycle Lanes Go Green in the City

Tuesday 10 May 2011, 1:42PM

By New Plymouth District Council



Eight kilometres of New Plymouth’s cycle lanes are going green.

Work has started this week on painting green strips along the cycle lanes on the city’s busiest routes to increase their visibility for drivers and cyclists alike.

“It’s an extension of the green strips that were painted last year on the southern section of Tukapa Street,” says Let’s Go Project Manager Carl Whittleston.

“The cycle lanes are dedicated road space for bike riders, and this green paint highlights to all road users where the lanes are and helps drivers of cars and trucks to not creep into them.”

The painting will take place over the next fortnight on the city’s one-way streets, Coronation Avenue, and St Aubyn, Morley and Tukapa streets.

The same painting is used on cycle lanes in cities around New Zealand.