Rotorua directory published

Tuesday 17 May 2011, 7:20AM

By Rotorua District Council



The 2011 edition of ‘Good Health Rotorua’ is now available on the Rotorua District Council (RDC) website and in hard copy from various local organisations.

‘Good Health Rotorua’ is part of an expanding series of publications produced by RDC’s Community Policy and Resources team, with assistance from Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB).

RDC social research officer Caroline Matangi says the directory includes a range of long standing health and wellbeing services in Rotorua, along with new services.

“The directory is an invaluable resource for anyone needing to get in touch with local health and wellbeing services. Having a publication that tells who is out there is incredibly helpful”.

‘Good Health Rotorua’ provides comprehensive information from alternative health providers, through to services for older people, community safety initiatives, mental health providers, pharmacies, dentists, a chapter on the Rotorua Hospital, Maori health initiatives and fitness providers, and every thing in between.

CAB coordinator Jane Eynon-Richards says Citizens Advice Bureau is extremely grateful that the council continues to support the production of the directory.

“The directory is used by a huge number of people in Rotorua, including the health and community providers who feature in the publication, as well as local tertiary students, rest homes, school medical centres and members of the public.”

‘Good Health Rotorua’ is available from Rotorua District Library and local health and wellbeing providers. Copies are also available for purchase at $12 each from RDC Customer Centre reception and Citizens Advice Bureau.

Click here to download 'Good Health Rotorua' free of charge.