Snapdragons - the perfect companion

Wednesday 8 June 2011, 8:16AM

By Awapuni Nurseries


Snapdragon Credit: Awapuni Nurseries
Snapdragon Credit: Awapuni Nurseries


When I think of dragons, words like fiery, fierce and ferocious come to mind - definitely
not friendly or companionable. So it can be hard to see the similarities between the fairytale
monster and the similarly named flower – the snapdragon.

Antirrhinum, otherwise known as snapdragons, are so called because when you squeeze the
flower it looks like a dragon. And that’s where the comparisons end. While you might not ask
the fire-breathing dragon to be your friend, the floral variety makes a great companion.

They come in a range of colours and are perfect for planting with your roses. At just the point
when your roses are starting to look a little worse for wear, your snapdragons will start to come
into their own.

They also go nicely with wallflowers and polyanthus as they all like the same conditions – sunny,
well-drained and cold.

Once you found a spot in your garden or pot like this, simply dig a little hole and plant. Then
wait for this ferocious sounding plant to light up your garden in about six to eight weeks.

Tod Palenski
Awapuni Nurseries