Unregistered Pit Bull remains impounded after dog attack

Friday 8 July 2011, 4:04PM

By Hamilton City Council



An unregistered Pit Bull which attacked a guide dog at a Hamilton shopping centre remains impounded while its fate is decided.

Hamilton City Council Animal Control staff have imposed a retention order on the dog while an investigation is completed.

The female Pit Bull was seized by animal control officers immediately after the attack, and Hamilton Police are investigating laying charges against its owners.

The guide dog, which was visiting with its blind owner from Australia, has been given a clearance to fly and is returning home today.

Police are awaiting a veterinary report when the dog is further assessed in Australia, before making a decision about charges.

The attack on the Labrador happened in the car park at The Base at 1.22pm yesterday afternoon.

An animal education and control officer arrived at 1.34pm to find the guide dog with severe lacerations and its blind owner, who was in New Zealand attending a conference at Waikato University, in a distressed state. The woman’s husband was also bitten in the attack.