Statement from David Tranter, member-elect, West Coast DHB

Monday 15 October 2007, 7:43AM

By David Tranter



Having been elected to the West Coast DHB board for the second time I am touched by the faith shown in me by the public, while being disappointed that some notable fighters for local West Coast communities have missed out.

I also regard Coasters' support as vindication of my resignation from the board in 2002 over their otherwise unanimous endorsement of management's disgraceful dumping of highly regarded Grey Hospital surgeon, Hugh Bodle. Should similar events occur again there will be no resignation by me but a much louder public voice challenging decisions which are against the interests of West Coast people.

I call on new boards everywhere to make a stand against the political and bureaucratic pressures which have made DHB boards largely ineffective since they were introduced by government to put a veneer of democracy on the affairs of DHB corporate managements throughout New Zealand. This is best summed up by the description of DHB boards as “dysfunctional and undemocratic” by Christchurch surgeon and former Canterbury board member Philip Bagshaw when he decided not to seek re-election in 2004. The public’s concern over the attempted silencing of DHB board members is clearly shown in Wanganui where the doctor who has been speaking out about hospital concerns despite attempts to muzzle him has received by far the highest vote.

The plethora of bureaucracy including the four so-called “advisory” committees are a hopelessly elaborate structure which simply confuse DHB processes when what is needed is a simple focus on delivering health care where and when it is needed. Only this week I have had two West Coast people telling me absolute horror stories of inadequate treatment which has led one of them to leave the district to obtain the care they required.

The new boards will have one, or at best two, board meetings in which to establish whether they are going to represent the people who elected them or are simply going to continue the previous boards’ rubber-stamping role of the last six years. I wish them well in this endeavour.