Christchurch to host good practice expo on farm dairy effluent management

Friday 27 January 2012, 10:02AM

By Environment Canterbury



The latest in dairy farming good practice and technology will be showcased at the inaugural Canterbury Effluent Expo to be held on Monday February 20 in Christchurch.

The free Expo is being hosted by the Canterbury Dairy Effluent Group – an industry-council initiative set up in 2008 – to promote environmental compliance and the optimal use of dairy effluent on farms.

“We are really keen to see as many dairy farmers and employees as possible visit the Expo where they will have the opportunity to browse and learn from the more than 25 companies and organisations providing services and advice to the dairy industry,” said Libby Sutherland, Canterbury Sustainable Dairy Advisor for Fonterra, and Chair of the Expo organising group.

“It is not often that dairy farmers have the opportunity to compare such a variety of information on dairy effluent under one roof, on one day.”

“We believe the expo will be well received by farmers who are looking for quality advice following interest generated by the establishment of the Farm Dairy Effluent Design Code of Practice and Standards.

“The Expo gives farmers a chance to talk to effluent system suppliers to find out how a system can be designed to follow the Code, so it is ‘fit for purpose’ and caters specifically to their farming operation.”

Environment Canterbury Commissioner and dairy farmer Tom Lambie says new regulatory requirements within the Canterbury Natural Resources Regional Plan also make the Expo very timely.

“The willingness of suppliers and industry to work together to deliver compliant, practical, and economical solutions on-farm is evident in the number of exhibitors supporting this free-to-farmer expo,” said Tom Lambie.

Lucy Bowker, Environmental Manager for Synlait, said the timing of the event should help farmers to cost out their requirements in plenty of time to set budgets for any upgrades.

“Interest has been good. We’ve had more than 25 companies register to-date.

“They quickly recognised the opportunity to provide a ‘one-stop-shop’ for farmers who are doing their budgeting and are planning system upgrades.”

The Canterbury Dairy Effluent Management Group was formed to help improve on-farm environmental compliance and optimal use of dairy effluent.

Recognising farmers, their industry representatives and environmental regulators all had similar goals of good environmental stewardship, the parties have worked together on the focus and use of consistent messages to help farmers improve awareness regarding effluent management.

The Group includes DairyNZ, Environment Canterbury, AgITO, Federated Farmers, SIDDC, Fonterra, NZ Dairies, Synlait and Westland. It was established in 2008 to work collaboratively towards improving dairy industry environmental performance through a range of measures.

Canterbury Effluent Expo details

Date and time: Monday 20 February, from 10am – 4pm.

Location: The Christchurch Riding for the Disabled Centre
Canterbury Agricultural Park
Entry from Curletts Road

Further information is available from Environment Canterbury, DairyNZ, Fonterra, NZ Dairies, Synlait and Westland.