New Zealand Made Regional Showcases Postponed

Tuesday 17 April 2007, 5:22PM

By Infonews Editor



The Ministry of Economic Development's New Zealand Made Regional Showcases have been postponed to enable their integration into the Buy Kiwi Made media campaign, says the Government Spokesperson for Buy Kiwi Made, Sue Bradford.

This follows a disappointing public attendance at the Dunedin and Christchurch showcases last week.

"Demand from businesses for these events has been overwhelming, with most events over-subscribed," says Ms Bradford.

"However, it is clear that the Regional Showcases require more promotional activities to inform local communities and attract greater attendance before they take place.

"While the postponement is disappointing for businesses keen to profile their New Zealand made products, it is prudent to await the roll-out of the Buy Kiwi Made media campaign," says Ms Bradford.

"That way we can reach more New Zealanders at a time when their interest in New Zealand made products has been stimulated and they are more interested in learning about stories of local manufacturing success."

The regional showcases will now coincide with the media marketing campaign, which is targeted for launch mid-year.

The initial Buy Kiwi Made showcase was held at Parliament on 8 November, 2006.