Kmart and Tangible Media step in to support one year anniversary appeal for Christchurch

Thursday 16 February 2012, 9:27PM

By Method Communications


An appeal was launched earlier this week to encourage individuals and businesses to do something on February 22nd 2012, however big or small, to support Christchurch on the anniversary of the quake that claimed, lives, homes, jobs and so much beyond. Despite the late start, some big players have already stepped in to help the cause as well as individuals doing collections around their office or baking cupcakes for co-workers. Kmart has pledged to run a coin collection from the 22nd to 26th February in all their stores and Tangible Media (Dish Magazine, Weddings Magazine, Good Magazine, Idealog as well as trade publications) has pledged five per cent from sales of all magazine subscriptions ordered through their website on February 22nd. The organisers are hoping many more will get on board before next Wednesday to show Christchurch they still care. All proceeds will go to the Christchurch Earthquake Appeal Trust.


It's nearly a year since the Canterbury region changed forever in the face of one of the biggest earthquakes our country has seen. It's time to reflect and remember those who lost their lives, homes, jobs and loved ones but also a time to show some support for the charities still helping out on the ground. While we never forget, our lives go on without the constant reminders of buildings in ruins, uninhabitable houses and aftershocks frazzling our nerves on a regular basis.

A website has been set up to encourage businesses and individuals to help out in whatever way they can on the one year anniversary (22nd Feb). A famous face on board already is Al Brown, chef, restaurateur, and star of TV programmes Hunger for the Wild, Coasters and Get Fresh who is donating 10% of takings at Depot Eatery & Oyster Bar on the 22nd to the cause.

He says "To me it's like if New Zealand was a bird, we have a broken wing, and to fly again as a whole country we need to fix that wing. I think it's really important that we not only remember the people of Christchurch on this sad anniversary but show some support too. I really hope to see other businesses and individuals getting behind it."

The site is called and the idea is to get people pledging what they plan to do on that date to support Christchurch, along with a message of support. "It doesn't have to be anything huge," say the founders, "it could be a collection round the office, a coin trail at kindy, a donation box on a shop counter, a coin trail at school, a percentage of your business takings for the day, a collection at your church or Rotary club. It's not the size that matters, it's the action and showing Christchurch that they are still on our minds."

While everyone knows Christchurch is still a (physically) broken city, we in other parts of the country don't have to live with it every day. The Christchurch Earthquake Appeal continues to support in the areas of sport and recreation, education, hardship and relief, environment, economic revitalisation, heritage and culture and spiritual and faith and 100% of funds raised from feb22 will go to it. Let's give it a boost and show Christchurch that we care.