War Memorial Clock Tower In Seymour Square

Saturday 28 April 2012, 4:04AM

By Marlborough District Council



The first results of structural tests on the war memorial clock tower suggest it is sounder than initially suspected but work will be necessary to bring the foundations up to the standard required by the Building Code.

The Marlborough District Council is still awaiting further test results on the masonry.

Doubt about the adhesive strength of the stonework on the tower is now the primary reason the Council has left the area fenced off.

“Our war memorial clock tower in Seymour Square is a very important element of the townscape and no one has enjoyed seeing it surrounded by safety fencing. However, most people also understood that legal liability for public safety required action once doubt was raised about its structural security,” said Council’s Assets and Services manager Mark Wheeler.

“The Christchurch demands for specialist earthquake engineering expertise meant a longer-than-expected wait for detailed assessments but the preliminary assessment is that the underlying structure may not require major rebuilding. That’s a relief to us all,” he said.

“However some work will have to be done and it’s hoped that a more detailed engineering report, due in the coming weeks, will give us the parameters, and some idea of the cost, of the repairs that are going to be necessary,” said Mr Wheeler.