Economic development plan critical to our future

Wednesday 9 May 2012, 7:55PM

By Labour Party



The Dunedin Economic Development Strategy, released today, is being welcomed by Dunedin Labour MPs David Clark and Clare Curran.

“Well considered economic development is critical to Dunedin’s future, and we congratulate those who have worked on the plan.

“Economic development does not happen by accident. This document focuses action on creating the long term growth and vibrancy in our city that we all want,” David Clark said.

“The plan aims for 10,000 extra jobs in the city and to have wages rising faster than the cost of living.

“That’s a good place to start. However, the Government ought to be doing more to support the people who will be working to achieve those goals.

“While Dunedin is a city a long way from markets, it produces a surprising number of innovative and successful high tech companies that leverage the skill of our medical experts and our tertiary institutions.

“We do this well, and we know we could do it even better. Unfortunately, while the Government has talked a big game on research and development, it hasn’t delivered results,” David Clark said.

“Local procurement is something else the Government should be supporting,” Clare Curran said.

“If we want strong local industries, able to back our innovators and grow the city, we need to recognise their value and ensure skills are retained.

“Hillside is an obvious casualty of poor government procurement policies, and I will continue to argue for a better solution.

“It’s not rocket-science. The Government just has to take off its ideological blinkers and listen to the people. They understand the knock-on benefits of thriving local industry.

“This Government thinks it can cut its way to prosperity. No one else in the world has succeeded in doing this, and New Zealanders are growing increasingly impatient with the arrogance of a Prime Minister who thinks he can,” Clare Curran said.