Thanks for Your Submissions

Tuesday 5 June 2012, 12:35PM

By Wellington City Council



Consultation on our draft Long-Term Plan closed mid-May, and we received a record 2,600 submissions.

Mayor Celia Wade-Brown says the draft Long-Term Plan determines the Council's priorities for the next 10 years.

"We are very pleased that there has been such a high level of interest in the consultation.

"Some of the issues that many people have raised include Clyde Quay marina, the SPCA Chest Hospital project, the Miramar town centre upgrade, fluoride in the water supply, our encroachment policy and funding for Te Papa."

People made submissions on a wide range of other issues. More than 1,600 submissions were received through a separate consultation process on options for the future governance of Zealandia, the Zoo, the Botanic Garden and Otari-Wilton's Bush.

An online budget simulator was also used as a consultation tool for the draft Long-Term Plan, where people were able to add or reduce spending on different activities to come up with their preferred rates level.

On average, people using the calculator wanted to see rates reduced from the level proposed in the draft plan. A survey is also being carried out on rates levels and expenditure priorities to help inform Council decision-making.

The Council's Portfolio Leader for Community Engagement, Councillor Paul Eagle, says many submissions have come from people who haven't taken part in Council consultations before. More than 200 submitters have attended hearings to present their view.

"We're seeing lots of new faces at submission hearings, and it's great that we're getting submissions from young people like the students at Berhampore School."

He says that many submitters clearly care deeply about the city's future and take pride in their local area and community facilities.

Next week the Council will meet to consider what changes to make to the draft plan as a result of submissions.

Mayor Wade-Brown says the Council will be reviewing submissions, results from the budget simulator and the survey, and is mindful of the need to keep rates affordable.

Meetings run from Tuesday to Friday, and they might continue the following week. These meetings are open to the public. For more information about these, phone (04) 499 4444 or visit:

Draft Long Term Plan 2012-22

The Council will adopt the final version of the draft plan in late June and will write to submitters after that to let them know the outcome of their submission.