Motueka Aerodrome: Have Your Say

Friday 15 June 2012, 12:04PM

By Tasman District Council



The future of Motueka Aerodrome has been provisionally mapped out and the Council now wants to hear your views.

A Draft Management Plan and Development Plan are available on the Council website,, or from Council’s Richmond Office, Service Centres and libraries at Motueka and Richmond.

The plans aim to coordinate the operation, maintenance and development of the airfield. The management plan addresses issues such as permitted and discretionary uses, management objectives, conditions for running businesses, the types of aircraft that can operate, plus environmental,  health and safety matters. The development plan sets out the parameters of growth for the aerodrome, including proposed development areas, future buildings etc.

Council Manager of Property Services Jim Frater says it has been a long time since the operation of the aerodrome was addressed, with current plans “well out of date”. That makes the input of airport users and the public all the more important. 

Submissions are written only – no hearing will be held. Once the Council has considered written submissions, the plans will be finalised and placed on the Council website around the end of August 2012.

Submissions close at 4.00 pm on Friday 13 July 2012, and should be addressed to:

Submission on Motueka Aerodrome Management and Development Plans, Tasman District Council, Private Bag 4 Richmond 7050, or may be emailed to

An open day will be held on Tuesday 26 June 2012, from 2.00 pm - 4.30 pm, at the Council’s Motueka offices in Hickmott Place to give you a chance to share your views or ask questions about the plans.

The number of aircraft over Motueka may increase in future, but the use of the airspace outside the aerodrome boundaries is not addressed in these plans as the Council, as owner and operator of the airfield, does not control this airspace.

Submissions should focus on the information provided (or not provided) in the plans and while the Council may take account of some consequential matters, issues such as flight paths, flying areas or pilot behaviour, which are outside the Council’s control, are unlikely to be considered.