Electric Vehicle Day

Tuesday 19 June 2012, 12:45PM

By Wellington City Council


Tesla sports car owner Ian Mirandah with Mayor Celia Wade-Brown.
Tesla sports car owner Ian Mirandah with Mayor Celia Wade-Brown. Credit: Wellington City Council


Tomorrow (20 June) is 'Electric Vehicle Day' and Ian Mirandah's Tesla sports car will undoubtedly generate a lot of interest.

Ian's car - the only one of its kind in New Zealand - will be on display outside Te Papa along with other electric vehicles, including Mitsubishi iMiEVs, the Nissan Leaf, electric motorbikes and a number of scooters and bicycles.

It is a free public event and you are invited to come along for a look and to test-ride an electric bike. Electric Vehicle Day is Mayor Celia Wade-Brown's initiative and is supported by local electric vehicle businesses and owners.

Ian, who has only lived in Wellington for three months, says he wants to take part in the event because he believes strongly in EV technology.

"Wellington has the right idea," he says.

"It's a very progressive city compared with other parts of the world I've lived. Its buses are electric, the taxis are hybrids - it's nice to be in a progressive city."

The Mayor says the Council and its business partners are keen to see the uptake of electric transport technolgies, which exist now in the market and cover a range of vehicle types.

"I am determined that Wellington takes the lead in encouraging EV technologies for businesses and individuals." Electric Vehicle Day has been organised to coincide with an APEC Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies (EGNRET) workshop on electric vehicles.

The workshop, also at Te Papa tomorrow (20 June), is being organised by the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) with the support of the International Copper Association, but unfortunately is not open to the public.