Candice Stock 'wheelchair art' in side way

Wednesday 20 June 2012, 2:38PM

By Auckland Council



When walking past Artstation on Ponsonby Road, make sure you check out the Youth Art Committee’s (YAC) latest offering, How we Roll, an installation by Candice Stock.

How we Roll, which opened this week, will look like a “colourful, glittery rainbow curtain of wheel chairs,” says Ms Stock. The work is featured in side way - the YAC’s own installation window at Artstation.

“I am commenting on the availability and diversity of coloured wheel chairs found in and around the Auckland CBD. I would like to see more - instead of the standard black colour!” says Ms Stock.

Candice Stock’s installation is the latest in a series of window works, which have been installed by young and emerging artists. The YAC invites young artists to submit proposals for this space to the committee by email to You can see previous works on

“I am pleased to be showing my work in the side way window space. It allows me to reach people walking or driving past who wouldn’t normally enter the gallery space. Hopefully seeing a colourful arrangement of wheel chairs will cause the viewer to want to know more.”

How we Roll runs until Saturday 7 July.

Check out YAC or