Māori Trade Training Investment Welcomed by Sharples and Turia

Tuesday 10 July 2012, 7:04PM

By Pita Sharples


Minister of Māori Affairs Dr Pita Sharples, and Associate Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment, Tariana Turia, are pleased that the partnership between iwi, industry, tertiary providers and Government has received the confirmation of further investment in activities in Otautahi.

“We have been working within our respective portfolio areas, to increase the participation of Māori in trade-based careers at all levels” said Dr Sharples.

“In February I announced the launch of the Kaihanga Collective, which is a collective of Māori tradespeople who have come together to draw on their experience and make a contribution to the Canterbury rebuild”.

“The announcement of a further $1million will lead to improved labour market outcomes for rangatahi involved in He Toki ki te Rika”.

“I have been pleased to see the consortium leading this initiative has taken on the opportunity of seeing how it can apply a Whānau Ora approach to support trainees including employment placements; greater pastoral care; and improved retention of trainees” said Tariana Turia.

“The challenges of the Ōtautahi rebuild provide unique opportunities for many of our young people to be linked into the construction sector through the emphasis on trade training” .

“The great thing about this extension is that it enables continuity for whānau, for trainees and for employers. It also provides a chance to adapt from the lessons learned over the last twelve months and to do what we can, to leverage off this initiative into increasing employment opportunities for Māori in Ōtautahi”.

He Toki ki te Rika is led by a consortium comprising Te Tapuae o Rehua; Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu; The Ngai Tahu Property Company; the Built Environment Training Alliance (BETA); and Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology.