RBNZ launches podcast to explain compound interest

Wednesday 5 September 2012, 4:51AM

By Reserve Bank of New Zealand


The Reserve Bank has today released a podcast explaining compound interest and how it affects savings.

The three-minute multimedia presentation is part of the Reserve Bank’s ongoing efforts to promote financial literacy, and is a contribution to Money Week.

Reserve Bank Assistant Governor and Head of Operations, Don Abel, said the podcast is a user-friendly way to explain a powerful financial concept.

“Financial literacy and the ability to make informed judgements and decisions about money management are important for individuals, the financial system and the wider economy. This podcast is a useful tool to help people broaden their financial understanding,” he said.

The podcast can be viewed via the Reserve Bank’s Money Week page:

Community groups, schools, media outlets and organisations promoting financial literacy are encouraged to post a link to the podcast on their own websites or Facebook pages.

Albert Einstein is widely reported to have once described compound inte