Queenstown Resort College wins national awards

Friday 14 September 2012, 12:50PM

By Queenstown Resort College


Queenstown Resort College CEO Charlie Phillips and student Gina Gao with their NZAPEP awards.
Queenstown Resort College CEO Charlie Phillips and student Gina Gao with their NZAPEP awards. Credit: Queenstown Resort College


Leading tertiary education provider Queenstown Resort College has come out tops -- along with one of its students-- in national awards announced last night (September 12) in Auckland.

Established just six years ago, QRC won the Provider of the Year and Chinese student Gina Gao took out the International Student of the Year title at the New Zealand Association of Private Education Providers (NZAPEP) 2012 conference.

The awards were held to recognise excellence in education, training, quality assurance and innovation in learning.

NZAPEP is the largest association of private tertiary education providers in the country, with more than 60,000 equivalent full-time students.

QRC CEO Charlie Phillips said being acknowledged by NZAPEP as Provider of the Year was “a great honour”, and was full of praise for Gina’s achievement.

“The college’s award reinforces that QRC is providing quality in every department, from the teaching in the classroom to the halls of residence, from recruitment to accounts, and across the entire operation,” he said.

“The reality is you can have wonderful facilities, but it is the quality of staff and students that creates results and culture. Our mission is to deliver industry with the employee of first choice.”

In this short time span the QRC brand has significantly grown to the point where now it is widely recognised as the pre-eminent tourism and hospitality educational provider by industry.

Mr Phillips said QRC was dedicated to producing quality graduates with a world-renowned qualification, equipped with the necessary skill and mindset to become quality management leaders of the future.

Originally from Harbin in Northern China, Ms Gao is enrolled in QRC’s Diploma of Hospitality Management programme. During her internship she worked at Hilton Queenstown and received excellent reviews with respect to QRC’s three key assessment areas -- professional attitude, personal qualities and skills and achievements.

“Although QRC’s student population is 80% domestic, it is wonderful for an international student to be recognised in this way,” said Mr Phillips.

For more information about QRC please visit