PHARMAC welcomes new Pharmacology and Therapeutics Advisory Committee (PTAC) chair

Tuesday 25 September 2012, 1:51PM



PHARMAC is welcoming the appointment of Dr Sisira Jayathissa to the chairmanship of PTAC, says Medical Director Dr Peter Moodie.

The Pharmacology and Therapeutics Advisory Committee (PTAC) is made up of senior doctors and pharmacologists. It provides clinical advice to PHARMAC on medicines PHARMAC is considering funding. Members of the committee are appointed by the Director-General of Health.

Dr Jayathissa, succeeds Professor Carl Burgess as chairman of PTAC from 31 October.

Trained in medicine in Colombo, London and Melbourne, Dr Jayathissa is head of the department of medicine at Hutt DHB and is also a senior lecturer at the Wellington School of Medicine (University of Otago).

“PTAC’s members need to have expertise in analysing published clinical studies and other literature about medicines,” says Dr Moodie. “Dr Jayathissa has been a member of PTAC for nine years and has already made a significant contribution to the committee. In addition to membership of PTAC, he has chaired several subcommittees including the cardiovascular, rheumatology and neurology subcommittees.”

“Dr Jayathissa’s proven experience and skills will help ensure continuity on PTAC so that it remains focussed on its task. We welcome his appointment and look forward to continuing to work closely with the committee.”

Dr Moodie paid tribute to the leadership of Prof Burgess.

“Professor Burgess has chaired PTAC since 2003 and has provided steady guidance for the Committee over the last nine years. PTAC’s deliberations and advice continue to be of the highest standard and this is in no small part due to his chairmanship.”

Two further members have also been appointed to the committee, these are Dr Jane Thomas of Auckland and Dr Marius Rademaker of Hamilton.

Dr Thomas specialises in the treatment of pain and is a specialist paediatric anaesthetist and paediatric pain specialist at Starship Hospital. She is also an adult pain specialist at the Auckland Regional Pain Service at Greenlane Hospital. Dr Thomas has been a member of PTAC’s Analgesic Subcommittee since 2006.

Dr Rademaker is Clinical Director and Head of Department in the dermatology department of Waikato DHB. He is also Honorary Associate Professor of Medicine at Waikato Clinical School, School of Medicine, University of Auckland. He is currently a member of the Dermatology Subcommittee of PTAC.