PM expresses sorrow at death of Lady June Blundell

Thursday 1 November 2012, 11:49PM

By John Key


Prime Minister John Key today expressed his sadness at the death of Lady June Blundell, who passed away yesterday.

Lady June was the widow of Sir Denis Blundell.  He was Governor-General of New Zealand from 1972 to 1977 and, before that, was New Zealand's High Commissioner in London.

"Lady June made a significant contribution to New Zealand in her own right.  She was over 90 when she died, and had worked throughout her life to help others,” says Mr Key.

“Her tireless service to the country through a wide range of community and welfare work was recognised when she was made a member of the Order of New Zealand in 1988.

"Lady June was active in the Order of St John for many years, and was vice Patron and later Patron of the northern region branch.

"She was also involved in numerous other charities and organisations, including the Cancer Foundation, Child Cancer Foundation, and CanTeen.

"I express my deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Lady June at her passing."