Mayor Launches White Ribbon Campaign

Tuesday 6 November 2012, 12:51PM

By Napier City Council



The White Ribbon Campaign to end men’s violence against women was today launched throughout New Zealand with Mayor Barbara Arnott endorsing Napier’s community response.

Napier Mayor Barbara Arnott says “ This is a stand up and be counted time. In every community, every street, every neighbourhood we can all make a difference by noticing, acting or speaking out.”

The 2012 White Ribbon Campaign was launched by Mayors throughout New Zealand putting their signatures on a pledge to never commit or condone or remain silent about violence towards women. The signatures will be displayed on 25 November on the international White Ribbon Day.

“On average, 14 women die and over 3,500 men are convicted for assaults on women every year. Those women are our mothers, daughters, sisters, female workmates and colleagues” says Mayor Arnott, “we must take responsibility to end this violence, and that is why I and the other Mayors, are putting our names on the White Ribbon pledge.”

“Violence often starts in the home. Napier has always taken violence seriously, and the White Ribbon Campaign is a chance to talk about the issues openly and honestly. We can reduce the number of violent instances in Napier and Hawke’s Bay by working with the White Ribbon Campaign, we must take this and every opportunity. So I’m joining with my Mayoral colleagues and signing the White Ribbon Pledge to add my voice to this important campaign” says Mayor Arnott.

The White Ribbon Pledge is one of a number of initiatives organised by the Families Commission-led White Ribbon Campaign. The pledge brings together New Zealanders throughout the country in a united show of support to end violence against women. As this support grows for a violence-free future, the White Ribbon Campaign hopes to encourage men to take a stand and show they’re man enough to end violence. To sign the pledge simply visit

“We want this campaign to talk to people that are outside the tent”, says Chief Families Commissioner, Carl Davidson. “There are many passionate people throughout the country working to reduce violence, but we need to connect with the many good men that simply don’t believe this problem affects them.”

“While there’s no violence in my family, I could easily say this issue doesn’t affect me. But I have 2 daughters, and one day, I might have grandchildren. I don’t need any other reason to make ending violence against women, my responsibility. And that goes for nearly every man I know. We all have women in our lives, and to shrug our shoulders and say this violence only affects others is a cop out.”

“By standing up and not remaining passive bystanders, we can influence our friends, our mate and work colleagues. Are we man enough to sop violence towards women – I’d like to think so,” says Mr Davidson.