Half-baked housing announcement made in a rush

Labour Party

Friday 16 November 2012, 5:36PM

By Labour Party


The tepid response to National’s lame housing strategy has shamed Phil Heatley into extremely half-hearted action in Hobsonville, says Labour’s Housing spokesperson Annette King.

“Phil Heatley’s announcement of just 600 new affordable homes in one part of Auckland is underwhelming to say the least. It’s just a fraction of what’s needed.

“New Zealand is facing a massive housing shortage which is pushing up prices, especially in Auckland. We need a nationwide solution, not a quick-fix attempt with photo-ops for John Key in his electorate.

“This announcement has been pulled together in a rush. If National had been serious about housing the Government would have included it in their response to the Productivity Commission’s report on housing two weeks ago.

“National is trying to gloss over the major failings in their housing response but this announcement is way too little, way too late.

“New Zealanders know that National is out of its depth when it comes to the housing affordability crisis. John Key, Bill English and Phil Heatley simply don’t have the courage to take the action required.

“This is a huge let down to New Zealanders, especially those trying desperately to get on the first rung of the housing ladder.”