NZ Women Put Female Friends Before Partners – Survey

Impact PR

Monday 19 November 2012, 10:43AM

By Impact PR


A significant number of Kiwi women rank their relationship with their girlfriends over their partners, would put their friends’ needs above their own and would cut off their hair for a girlfriend who had cancer, according to a new survey.

The independent study* was commissioned by haircare brand Pantene to mark the launch of Pantene Beautiful Lengths, a program which provides real-hair wigs to women undergoing cancer treatment in partnership with the charity Look Good Feel Better.

More than a fifth (22%) of New Zealand women surveyed said the relationship between their female friends was stronger than their relationship with their partner and more than eight out of 10 (82%) said they could always rely on their female friends to help them in an hour of need.

The survey showed nearly six out of 10 (59%) women said there was nothing they couldn’t ask of their female friends and nearly two-thirds (65%) of women said they could never say ‘no’ to a girlfriend in need.

This was evidenced by their willingness to drastically change their appearance for a friend. Despite 92% of respondents admitting they would be devastated or sad to lose their hair, more than three quarters (77%) said they would cut off their hair to make a wig for someone they knew who had cancer.

More than two thirds (67%) of women said the majority of their friends would help if they were in need, another fifth (22%) said about half of their friends would help.

A further six out of ten (57%) said they often put their friends needs above their own.

General Manager of Look Good Feel Better Yvonne Brownlie says the survey findings are a true reflection of the lengths women are prepared to go to, to help each other.

“We witness the power of support and friendship at our workshops, when women come together to share, learn and laugh. They all have an alliance that has no real criteria, bar one, and that is a diagnosis of cancer. They come together as strangers but with the unique understanding of the challenges they face, and often leave as friends,” says Brownlie.

P&G spokesperson, Lisa Cunningham, says the Pantene Beautiful Lengths survey illustrates the bond between females and their preparedness to help each other in times of need.

“Hair is a real part of a woman’s identity and the survey clearly shows that female friendships know no bounds when it comes to providing love and support,” says Cunningham.

For more information on Beautiful Lengths and how to get involved in the programme, please visit or the Pantene Facebook page;