Too little, too late Foss

Labour Party

Wednesday 21 November 2012, 4:06PM

By Labour Party


The promise to reimburse schools for their auditing of accounts is hardly recompense for the on-going frustrations with Novopay says Labour’s Education spokesperson Nanaia Mahuta.

“With end of year reconciliations due tomorrow, Craig Foss needs to give an absolute assurance that teachers won’t be out of pocket over the Christmas period.

“Mr Foss should go further than just rectifying past errors and ensure his Ministry assesses the real cost to affected staff of missed mortgage or bill payments.

“I have heard of instances where principals have reached into their own pockets to try to assist staff when wages have been botched. That is simply unacceptable.

“Since the 'go live' switchover, payroll staff and Principals have spent a painstaking amount of time logging errors, reconciling pay data and balancing books to get pay-packets right for staff.

“Now, months after the botched system was launched, it is fair that the Ministry of Education account for the total time schools have spent sorting the Novopay mess.

“Teachers, support staff and several principals have lost faith in the Government. Mr Foss should take the lead and push for a Parliamentary Select Committee Inquiry to get to the bottom of the matter.

“Failure to do so will be yet another signal that the Education portfolio is in an utter shambles,” Nanaia Mahuta said.