Rustlers caught in the act by Bay of Plenty farmer

Friday 23 November 2012, 2:48PM

By Federated Farmers of New Zealand



Federated Farmers is warning rustlers and poachers that eyes in the rural community are wide open for suspicious activity.  Something rammed home to poachers after they were caught in the Bay of Plenty.

“Perhaps the big lesson I learned, is not to leave your mobile phone on the kitchen table,” says Rick Powdrell, Federated Farmers Meat & Fibre chairperson.

“As the matter is before the courts I cannot go into the precise details.  That said, I was working late on the farm and spotted someone jumping the fence.  You can say that got my attention.

“When that person saw me they pulled up a hoodie and skulked away.  When I got closer, I found one of my ewes had been tied up.

“I cut the ewe free and shot back to the house to call the Police.  If only I had my mobile phone I thought.

“I need to counteract a myth in the rural community that the Police do not take crimes like this seriously.  These days, they most certainly do.

“Luckily, the Police had a car in the area and were able to make an arrest.

“As those arrested have pleaded not guilty I can’t go into any detail.

“What I can say is that farmers need to keep their eyes open for things that do not look right.  Last year, I lost valuable breeding rams worth around $8,000 and I fear they were poached rather than rustled.

“Federated Farmers message to those thinking they can come into rural areas and nick what they want, is to think again.

“There are plenty of eyes now alert for suspicious activities.  Farmers are using many security measures like locking up, cameras, recording vehicle descriptions and license plate numbers.

“This is to support Police in keeping our rural communities safe,” Mr Powdrell concluded.