Teenage suicide rates could be rising in New Zealand

Thursday 29 November 2012, 8:03PM

By NP Linked Taranaki


Suicide rates on a rise in NZ
Suicide rates on a rise in NZ Credit: DRIBBLE NZ NEWS

EXCLUSIVE: FIRST ON INFONEWS.CO.NZ: Teenage suicide ratings could be on the rise in New Zealand and Dribble NZ's Youth Reporter investigates into the facts and how this can be preventable and awnsers from questions asked to New Zealand Youth...

It was just two months ago when a 9 year old killed themself, the youngest kid in New Zealand to try suicide. 

Last year over 550 people commited suicide in New Zealand and the rates just keep getting higer, obviously results for this year cant be fully recorded yet but Dribble NZ News can confirm they are rising significantly. 

Teenagers have always being over represented in suicide statistics, but a leap from 56 to 80 is a trend which MacLean a New Zealand citezen  labels as both concerning and baffling.

There was a sense of "bewilderment" among other age groups "as to why they get so desperate that they'd feel a need to end it all."

"From my age group's perspective these are people that have got their whole lives ahead of them. All that promise snuffed out," MacLean said.

While mental health was not a common factor in youth suicides compared to other age groups, pressure and expectations from parents were a driving force, MacLean said.

It may be that they are feeling pressure to do well in school, or could not find employment, he said.

Just one critical text from a peer or negative comment from a parent could be enough to push a teenager over the edge.

"Sometimes you see a teenager commit suicide and think 'Why on earth, just because they got a ticking off about something'. But often that ticking off by parents has been historically a catalyst - that was the final straw. The kid is told off, storms out of the house and hangs themselves.

"Often the catalyst seems utterly pathetic. You just can't understand it, but if you go a bit further you see there were things going on in their lives."

Texting, cyber bullying and other forms of bullying were problems, as was suicide being glamorised in memorial pages on Facebook or other social media, MacLean said.

While suicide rates in the Christchurch region have risen, the figures for the year prior were unusually low due to the aftermath of the February 22 earthquake.

There were 67 suicides in Christchurch during 2010/2011 and 81 between July 2011 to June 2012.

Suicide rates often fell in the wake of a natural disaster. They fell in Victoria, Australia, after the floods and fires, and they naturally fell in Christchurch after the February 22 earthquake last year.

"While I suppose we were nervously expecting what we're seeing, there was always hope that it wouldn't be that way," MacLean said.

The number of suicides each month plummeted after the quake - ranging from one in February to six in August.

However, 14 people took their lives in January, bringing the annual total to above the average of 71.



* The number of Maori aged 15-19 who took their lives in the year to June 30 leapt to 37 from an average of 21 across the previous four years

* Suicides in the Christchurch region are rising after a drop in the aftermath of the devastating quakes. They're also rising on the West Coast and in Marlborough

* The number of suicides in the 50-74 age group has dropped but the rate among unemployed people compared to those in work remains high. Students and retired people also continue to have a high rate of suicide.

* Suicide between teenagers of New Zealand increased significantly from 56 to 80.



We asked a New Plymouth Teenager Heidi (wanted to keep last name supressed) what she thought of suicide and she said " I think it's a selfish thing to do, I know some peoples lives are hard but it's ridiculous to take your own life, especially since our days it's getting to be younger and younger people doing it for reasons that could be over with in a few months. I hate it"

Heidi said "It's not preventable, I know people that have told me counseling doesn't even help. An I know 6 of my friends that talk about suicide or depression. It is terrible."

"I think the suicide results in New Zealand dont really get published so New Zealand residents dont know how bad it actually is" said a Dribble NZ News Cheif Reporter

Heidi of New Plymouth added "I have been depressed in my life before but I have gotten over it. I've just learned to live with it and accept it after about a year you just get used to it and think it's not worth doing bad things or thinking bad thoughts anymore because it doesn't change anything" she said.

"I kept my problem to myself, no one helped me. I wasn't really thinking about other people helping me, so I just didn't tell anyone and kept it to myself. " she said. 

A Auckland teenager said "My friends are prone to depression but it isnt as bad as they make it sound, most of the time its more attention seeking".

A Christchurch teenager said "I have been sad ever since the earthquakes but I wont give up on life, its depressing and I mean alot of my friends do counsilling because they cant handle the stress. My friends keep me safe though". 


If it's an emergency and you feel like you or someone else is at risk, call 111. Or call Youthline 0800 376 633, Lifeline 0800 543 354, Depression Helpline 0800 111 757, What's Up 0800 942 8787 (noon-midnight).

If you or someone you know wants advice on dealing with cyber bullies contact the NetSafe help line 0508 NETSAFE (0508 638 723).


Simple awnser, "No" says 89% of NZ teenagers in a Dribble NZ News survey.