More crashes occurring over the 'horror weekend'

Sunday 2 December 2012, 10:06AM

By NP Linked Taranaki


It was just yesterday at 5am when a young 21 year old farmer from Waikato was getting up to farm his lawn, he was in a car crash when he was monuvuring around, following this crash a crash occured on Saturday morning in Auckland and put up to seven people in hospital with severe injuries.

Following this crash there was a horror start to the weekend, motorcycles fundraising selling soft toys for sick kids were hit by a van, 3 people died including many others being put in hospital in serious condition.

The third crash occured in New Plymouth and put car owners in Taranaki Base Hospital with severe injuries. 

The fourth crash occured near Whangrei just after midday and injuried many.

The fifth crash occured late last night when a motorcyclist hit into a house in Waikato, he died.

The sixth crash has seriously injuried four after a car hit a powerpole in Hawkes Bay this morning.


Residents of Taranaki are calling it the 'Horror weekend'