NZTA urging cyclists to get into summer safely

Friday 7 December 2012, 4:32PM

By New Zealand Transport Agency


This summer is shaping up to be a long, hot one and the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) is urging Kiwis to get on their bikes, enjoy the great weather and discover the many benefits that cycling can offer.

To encourage more Kiwis to give cycling a go and to raise awareness of safe cycling, the NZTA’s 11th annual Bike Wise programme includes a schedule of cycling activities that will take place around country starting this month and culminating in Bike Wise Month, February 2013.

While people get out and start enjoying the best season for cycling, it’s important that cyclists and motorists ensure they share the roads safely this summer.

“Cycling is a great summer activity to be involved in but keeping safe on the roads should be a key consideration,” says NZTA’s Manager Network User Behaviour Jennie Gianotti.

“Thousands of Kiwis already enjoy cycling and as the weather warms up, we’d love to see more people get out there. This year’s Bike Wise programme features plenty of fun events around the country which we encourage people to head along to.”
As holidaymakers hit the roads, here are some key tips to sharing the road safely:

Safety Tips for Cyclists

  • Be predictable: make eye contact with other road users to ensure they are aware of you and signal your intentions clearly
  • Be confident: ride in a straight line, at least one metre from parked cars and take the middle of the lane when you have to
  • Be patient: slow down near parked or lined up vehicles. Pass slowly and only when safe
  • Be considerate: try not to hold up the flow of traffic. If necessary, pull over to allow vehicles to pass.


Safety Tips for Motorists

  • Be aware: watch for cyclists, especially in low light or rain, before opening car doors and at intersections. Cyclists may be travelling faster than you expect
  • Be patient: slow down near cyclists and if need be, wait behind them. Pass slowly and only when it is safe. Ideally, leave a space of about 1.5 metres
  • Be considerate: cyclists sometimes need to use the traffic lane for their safety. Please give them time and space to move in and out of the lane
  • For more tips see our Safety Tips for Cyclists and Motorists leaflets on


Bike Wise Events

Big Bike Tune Ups, November 2012 - February 2013

To ensure bikes are safe, road-worthy and are a good fit for the cyclist, a series of Big Bike Tune Ups will be held throughout the country over spring and summer. People are encouraged to bring their bikes along to a local Big Bike Tune Up where a free maintenance check will be given. See for a list of Big Bike Tune Ups.

Bike Wise Month, February 2013

A number of fun cycling events will take place throughout the country during Bike Wise Month, to expose Kiwis to the enjoyment of cycling. Events include recreational rides, bike festivals and family fun rides. See for a full list of events.

Go By Bike Day, 13 February 2013

The key event during Bike Wise Month, Go By Bike Day is a day on which people are encouraged to leave the car at home and cycle to work or school. See for a full list of events.

For more information on the Bike Wise programme, activities happening in your area, cycle routes, bikes and more, visit the Bike Wise website You can also share your cycling stories and get frequent updates on Bike Wise’s Facebook page ( and on Twitter