Proposed District Plan Submission Stage Reached

Friday 7 December 2012, 4:47PM

By Hamilton City Council



From Monday Hamilton ratepayers are able to have their say on the city’s Proposed District Plan.

The plan, which governs the look and feel of Hamilton and sets the rules for future development, opens on Monday, 10 December,  for public submissions.

As part of the Proposed District Plan process all Hamilton ratepayers will next  week receive a letter about how to access the plan and make a submission.

Included with the letter is a map of the recipient’s neighbourhood showing proposed notable changes in their area.

Information included with the map also outlines key changes across the city.

Council chief executive Barry Harris says the Proposed District Plan is the culmination of two years’ hard work by the council’s planning team who have reviewed every aspect of the existing operative plan that was prepared in 1999.

“This is one of the largest Council projects in recent times, it affects everyone living in Hamilton and we encourage people with an interest in the city’s future to have their say.”

The submission process has been extended until 1 March 2013 to take account of the Christmas break.

Drop-in sessions to assist people with their submissions and to obtain more information, will take place in February. Details will be advertised.

The plan will be available online from Monday at

Detailed information, including an instructive video on how to make an online submission, is on the website.

People can also ring the council’s dedicated Proposed District Plan hotline on 838 6478 or email if they have any questions.

The Proposed District Plan is also available at the city’s libraries and the Council offices in Garden Place.