Minister's back down a victory for community action

Monday 10 December 2012, 2:52PM

By Labour Party


This afternoon’s back down by Paula Bennett on funding for the sexual abuse crisis line HELP is a triumph for community action, says Labour's Women's Affairs spokesperson Sue Moroney.

"I am proud to have put my name to the 12,000-strong petition that forced the Government into action, after several months of stalling and broken promises on this funding.

“The Social Development Minister said she heard the organisations concerns today and has committed to a sustainable three year contract with negotiations to be finalised in April 2013.

"This really does demonstrate people-power in action.

“Congratulations to those operating the service, for refusing to let the Government's inaction hurt those they are there to help. Because of their continued advocacy for victims of sexual abuse, a vital service remains in place at a time of year when, sadly, it will be in high demand.

"It was unnecessary for this funding crisis to have gone on this long. But the resolution will be welcome news for staff who actually got served redundancy notices last month.

Hopefully, the Government will be more responsive in the future,” Sue Moroney said.