Youth mental health information fund launched

Monday 10 December 2012, 2:54PM

By Paula Bennett


Social Development Minister Paula Bennett today announced the launch of a new contestable fund to improve youth mental health information for parents, families and friends.

“We need better information for those closest to young people, who’re often the first to notice signs of mental health problems but don’t always know when to be concerned and what to do,” says Mrs Bennett.

The Information for Parents, Families and Friends fund allocates one million dollars over four years to getting better information about youth mental health for families.

“Many people we’ve talked to say families find it hard to know whether there is a problem, what it is, and then what support the young person needs.”

“What we’re hearing from parents is that they want to know when behaviour is just normal teenage angst and moodiness and when it is something more serious,” says Mrs Bennett.

“We have to help families and friends identify the signs sooner and know how to get support, because in too many cases help has come too late.”

The Information for Parents, Families and Friends fund is available to community organisations capable of developing and implementing a comprehensive approach to delivering better quality and more accessible information on youth mental health issues.

Applications close on 8 February 2013, with the successful applicant(s) expected to be announced in April.

Further information including application criteria is available at: