Public need to see Binnie report, now

Labour Party

Wednesday 12 December 2012, 3:28PM

By Labour Party


Judith Collins has made a rod for her own back by openly criticising an independent report into David Bain’s compensation claim and now has no other option but to release it immediately, Labour’s Justice spokesperson Charles Chauvel says.

“Ms Collins says the report, by retired Canadian Supreme Court Justice Ian Binnie, is flawed because it makes unspecified ‘assumptions based on incorrect facts’.

“Given that no-one - apart from Ms Collins and her advisors - has seen the report, the credibility of those allegations cannot be assessed until the report is released publicly. This needs to happen immediately.

“It is what fairness to all parties, as well as taxpayers who have paid for Justice Binnie’s report, demands.

“By her actions in keeping the report secret while also criticising it, Judith Collins has set up a direct political contest between her own reputation for fairness, and that of Justice Binnie. Taxpayers should be able to judge that contest.

“Without the report’s immediate release, it should not surprise her that the inevitable conclusion will favour Justice Binnie.

“The public has the right to expect the Minister of Justice to model better behaviour than what we have seen to date from her.

“Her odd sense of justice around this issue is continuing to cost taxpayers and is entirely unnecessary.”