Major Turangi stop bank project nears completion

Waikato Regional Council

Monday 26 November 2007, 2:07PM

By Waikato Regional Council



The Turangi community will soon be able to feel much more relaxed when it rains.

A five-year Environment Waikato stop-bank project along the Tongariro River is nearing completion, with construction of the last section of stop bank between Poto St and Taupahi Reserve now underway.

The stop bank is being built on land owned by Taupo District Council, the Department of Conservation and private residents.

Environment Waikato Lake Taupo zone manager Adam Munro said most Turangi residents would have protection up to a 100-year flood event when the project was completed.

“This is the best time of year to carry out earthworks, when soil conditions are drier, and we also want to get this last piece of protection in for residents as quickly as possible,” he said.

Weather conditions would determine how quickly the stop bank could be finished.

“We’re hoping our contractors will be able to complete most of it by Christmas, as we’re conscious of the upcoming holiday season.”

Mr Munro said there would be some unavoidable inconvenience to walkway users in the area where the work is being carried out.

“A relatively small 600m stretch of the walkway will be affected and we are starting at the downstream end to minimise inconvenience” he said.

“Every effort will be made to leave the site in a sound, safe and aesthetically pleasing condition, which will include contouring, landscaping and grass seeding on the stop bank.”

The Tongariro River is dynamic in nature due to its steep upper catchment, fast-flowing water and large amounts of gravel movement and deposition.

The stop bank project is part of a wider flood risk management programme for Turangi that will involve ongoing gravel and debris management and planting to stablise the river channel and banks.