National's 'Zero Budget' = zero jobs

Labour Party

Wednesday 19 December 2012, 2:48PM

By Labour Party


National’s economic failure has been laid bare for all to see with yesterday’s Half Year Economic and Fiscal Update forecasting that overall the economy will add no new jobs in the year to March 2013, says Su’a William Sio.

“This confirms what every Kiwi knew instinctively – National’s “Zero Budget’ for 2012 meant zero jobs, and zero hope.

“Yesterday’s data shows the true impact of John Key and Bill English’s economic mis- management.  On Budget day this year Treasury was forecasting that an extra 33,000 jobs would be added to the economy in the 12 months to March 2013, but now we know that not a single extra job will be created.

“In 2009, when John Key held the Jobs Summit, Treasury was predicting that 76,000 thousand jobs would be added to the work force in 2012-2013.  The National Government has completely failed to deliver on jobs.

“And how can anyone have confidence in the Government’s prediction that employment will grow by 50,000 in 2014, when National’s record is so dismal?

“National has no plans for job creation.  It’s taken its hands of the wheel, and left the economy to drift.

“And it is the 175,000 Kiwis that are heading into Christmas without a job and with little hope of that changing, that are paying the price for the Government’s failure,” says Su’a William Sio.