NZTA starts reconstruction of West Coast highway link

Monday 7 January 2013, 2:54PM

By New Zealand Transport Agency


The NZ Transport Agency says good progress is being made on the reconstruction of a section of State Highway 6 near Harihari on the West Coast.

A 40 metre-long section of the highway on the northern approach to the Wanganui River bridge was washed away by flood waters last Wednesday (2 January).

“Reconstruction is going well, and we remain on track to have the highway re-opened as planned next Tuesday (8 January),” says the NZTA’s Senior Asset Manager for the West Coast, Mark Pinner.

Mr Pinner says contractors started rebuilding the highway late yesterday (Saturday).

“We have managed to divert flood waters away from the washout and that’s allowed our contractors to get in and start work on the repairs,” he says.   

Our first job is to re-build the fill with gravel and rocks around the abutment or foundation supporting the bridge at north end, together with other preparatory works to ensure we get the highway re-opened as soon as possible.

Mr Pinner says work also continues along the banks of the Wanganui River to divert it back on to its original course, under the middle of the 360 metre-long bridge."

The reconstruction of the highway will be temporary, and further upgrades will be needed later.

"I am aware that the wait to get the highway re-opened is a frustrating one for people on the West Coast.  This is a priority job for us, and we are working as quickly and as safely as we can to get the repairs finished,” says Mr Pinner.