Triathlon Relay set for Kinloch

Wednesday 23 January 2013, 1:39PM

By Triathlon NZ


 The winning team 'Naked Apaches' from the Wellington Tri Tag Relay in 2012.
The winning team 'Naked Apaches' from the Wellington Tri Tag Relay in 2012. Credit: Mike Heydon/Tri NZ


Kinloch hosts the next round of the Contact Tri Series on the weekend of February 2nd and 3rd and along with the usual race options and titles up for grabs in National Sprint Distance events there is a new race on the programme on the Sunday morning – Tri Tag Relay.

With individual racing for children in the 1:2:1, beginners in the 3:9:3 and age groupers in the Erin Baker Standard Distance race or National Sprint Championship races, Triathlon New Zealand is also hosting Tri Tag Relay racing on the Sunday morning.

Triathlon New Zealand Event Manager Kate Blood says the concept is based on that used by the ITU at elite level, but is open to all-comers to give it a go.

“Anyone can give this format a go, it is a great way to enjoy an event with family, friends or workmates and have some fun cheering each other on. Everyone does the full super sprint distance (swim, then bike then run) before tagging the next member of the team.  The fourth member of the team is the anchor and will go under the finish gantry at the end of their run. So you can race for bragging rights in your team or to finish as high up as you can – or just to have some fun and a few laughs in a stunning venue.”

The Oceania Mixed Team Cup will see elite athletes racing in a mixed (2 male, 2 female) team format as well as an opportunity for age groupers in a Mixed Relay to encourage families, friends, clubs – indeed anyone who wishes to enjoy the camaraderie of a team race to sign up and get involved.

Tri Tag Relay racing is fast and furious and yet great fun for the beginner to the experienced athlete. Distances are 300m swim, 6k cycle and a 1.8k run, meaning it is achievable for everyone, perhaps even for a family to race together. There is no age limitation in each team and you can race as a male, female or mixed team (any combination).

Entries are open now for all events at Kinloch, simply visit for further information and get your team together, race solo on the Saturday and enjoy Kinloch and Taupo on the Saturday night before racing in a Tri Tag Relay team on the Sunday morning. The price works out to just $37.50 per participant, an affordable way to enjoy a great event at a great location.

Click here for race schedule and further information