Prosecution after injury unloading fish

Wednesday 23 January 2013, 3:59PM

By Maritime New Zealand


Fishing company Sanford and fish processing company Pelco have each been fined and ordered to pay a total of $10,000 in reparation after pleading guilty to charges under the Health and Safety in Employment Act following a serious hand injury to a Pelco employee working on board a Sanford vessel in December 2011.

The 22-year-old female employee sustained serious injuries to her hand while unloading tuna from the Ocean Breeze at Mt Maunganui Wharf in December 2011.

MNZ prosecuted both companies under the HSE Act 1992 for failing to take all practical steps to ensure the safety of people working on the job.

In the Tauranga District Court yesterday (22 January), Sanford was fined $32,500 and ordered to pay $5000 in reparation to the victim, and Pelco was fined $22,500 and also ordered to pay reparation of $5000.

MNZ Manager Intelligence and Planning Paul Fantham said the prosecution highlighted the importance of ensuring workplace safety on ships.

“This is an excellent result for both MNZ and the victim,” he said. “Both companies had a responsibility under the HSE Act to ensure those working to unload this vessel could do so safely.

“We welcome the guilty pleas which are an acknowledgement that processes should have been better.”