New Buckle St diversion as crews prepare for Memorial Park Underpass

Thursday 24 January 2013, 6:08PM

By New Zealand Transport Agency



The new Buckle Street diversion road opens tomorrow morning Friday 25 January, with new routes for pedestrians, cyclists and drivers as the Memorial Park Alliance moves towards construction of the new underpass.

The road will carry westbound State Highway 1 traffic while the Memorial Park Underpass is constructed. The new diversion curves around the northern side of the existing Buckle Street,.

From Friday the intersection with SH1 and Tory St will be re-opened, but drivers will no longer be able to cross between Tasman and Tory St.  To access Tasman St, drivers will need to use the Basin roundabout and Rugby Street to get into Tasman Street.

Drivers are urged to watch for  the new signalised pedestrian crossing at the intersection of Sussex and Buckle streets, just across the road from the RA Vance Stand. The crossing is part of a new pedestrian and cycle route between Tasman and Tory streets.

Access to Massey University and the National War Memorial will be from the city end of Tasman Street.

NZ Transport Agency Wellington State Highway Manager Rod James says the roading changes will be in place until the new underpass is completed around late 2014.

“Heavy machinery will be arriving on site from mid-February and trenching gets under way in early March.

“The diversion effectively moves Buckle St slightly north-west for two years, which will enable our crews to get in and dig out the new underpass.

“We thank the public for their patience and understanding while they get used to this new road layout as we work towards the development of the Memorial Park Underpass.”

He says construction crews have done an impressive job getting a new, top quality road ready for use in such a short period of time.

“The site has been a hive of activity, and the timely completion of the new diversion means the project is well on target for the construction of the underpass to begin in March.”

The new route also caters well for pedestrians and cyclists.

Mr James says the NZTA  are grateful for the support and understanding from the local community, particularly Mount Cook residents and Mount Cook School.

The Government announced in August that it planned to underground Buckle Street between Tory and Taranaki streets so a new memorial precinct could be developed above it. The Pukeahu National War Memorial Park is due to be completed by Anzac Day 2015 in time for the 100th anniversary of the First World War Gallipoli landing.

The project is being overseen by the Memorial Park Alliance, led by the Ministry of Culture and Heritage, with construction managed by the NZTA and its contractors. For more about the roading project, check, email or phone 0800 020 086. For Memorial Park information, go to