Awkward places to get dumped Facebook page likes soar

Sunday 27 January 2013, 2:27AM

By NP Linked Taranaki


Break up stories page likes soar
Break up stories page likes soar Credit: AWKWARD PLACES TO GET DUMPED FACEBOOK PAGE

A Facebook page called 'Awkward places to get dumped' has recieved over 500 Facebook likes and intends to reach more.

The page which asks for break up stories has recieved alot of attention in New Zealand and Australia.

Dribble NZ News Reporter spoke with the owner of the page and the owner said "I was just talking with some friends and they where saying how theses other pages had a topic and how people send their stories in and what basically happens every second around the world, heart brakes and end of relation ships so therefor I made this page so people could share their story and feel a bit better about the situation" 

Already the page has recieved a soar in likes with almost five likes every ten miniutes, the owner is hoping to get around 600 extra likes today.

One of the admins for the page 'MichaelNZ' said "The page is well thought out and we bring support to those who need it, we also keep stories anon which means no one will know who made it"

Like there Facebook page today:

One of the stories on the page was...

"my boyfriend gave my friend a letter to give to me. I read it on my walk home with my best friend right beside me. As I read it I started to cry and she helped walk me home the rest of the way. When I got home I told my mum and she said "no, no, he is not breaking up with you through a letter. Have him call you or do it face to face," so I had him call me and he asked me if my mum really said no. And I said yes. We agreed to break up but remain friends. Then I found out he'd been cheating on me and I ended the friendship and everything all together. Now he stalks me from afar and has my friends spy on me by dating them." 

The page is for support says the owner.

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