Kiwis deserve a guaranteed break too

Labour Party

Monday 28 January 2013, 3:40PM

By Labour Party


New Zealanders deserve time off every year for Waitangi Day and ANZAC Day, regardless of whether they fall on a weekend or on a weekday, Labour MP David Clark says.

“Today our Tasman neighbours are spending Monday at home following Australia Day commemorations which fell on Saturday this year.

“New Zealanders deserve guaranteed time with their families too. This year we are in luck, with Waitangi Day falling on a Wednesday. But we don’t get a day off every year, and we should.

Labour wants to ensure Kiwis are not robbed of any of their hard-earned public holidays.

“My Member’s Bill - the Holidays (Full Recognition of Waitangi Day and ANZAC Day) Amendment Bill – is due to have its second reading this year.

“The Mondayisation of public holidays has received widespread support from MPs and the public, and if it progresses as expected, Kiwis should have that principle enshrined in law by the year’s end.

“Ensuring New Zealanders have their full 11 holidays guaranteed every year is fair. Kiwis are hard-working and they deserve certainty when it comes to their well-deserved breaks,” David Clark said.