Joyce's charm offensive won't fix Novopay

Labour Party

Monday 28 January 2013, 5:25PM

By Labour Party


It will take more than a charm offensive by Steven Joyce to sort out the on-going debacle that is Novopay, Labour’s acting Education spokesperson Chris Hipkins says.

“This shambles has gone on long enough. It’s been over six months since Novopay was given the green light, yet we are seeing new problems emerging on pretty much a daily basis.

“The main message to schools from ‘Mr Fixit’ so far appears to be ‘don’t hold your breath’. That’s a total cop out. Schools should be focused on teaching kids, not spending hours in the office cleaning up bureaucratic bungles caused by the government.

“Steven Joyce needs to put a contingency plan in place urgently, so that if Novopay still isn’t delivering in two months’ time he can kick it to touch.

“He also needs to review how such a fundamentally flawed system was ever given the go ahead.

“Schools need solutions, not excuses. Steve Joyce needs to start delivering them.”