Organic milk is solution for DCD fears

Friday 1 February 2013, 2:31PM

By Green Party


It is time for Fonterra to revisit its decision to scale down organics, the Green Party said today.

In 2011 Fonterra made the decision to reduce its separate collection of organic milk, resulting in the loss of premium price for effected organic producers and the mixing of their milk in with the main supply.

"Many of the remaining organic farmers that supply Fonterra are anxiously waiting for their contracts to be renewed tomorrow,' said Green Party agriculture spokesperson Steffan Browning.

"Now is the chance for Fonterra to prove its commitment to chemical free milk by renewing these contracts and committing to scale back up its organic supply," said Mr Browning.

"Westland Dairy should also do the same after it announced that dicyandiamide (DCD) was found in its milk as well.

"Organic producers avoid using chemicals, the very chemicals such as DCD that have our international markets so worried.

"The damage to New Zealand's reputation after chemical residues were found in milk can be built back through increasing organic production.

"I've visited these organic farmers, their animals are healthy, their rivers are clean, and they enjoy farming to produce high value product. That's the future of farming in New Zealand.

"The back off from organics in 2011 was a huge disappointment to farmers and they are still on the edge of their seats waiting to see if Fonterra will make a new commitment to organics.

"Fonterra had said it was in organic farming for the long term. In 2010 it was planning to expand organics but dropped those suppliers at the first hurdle.

"It's time for New Zealand dairy processors to look at the long term, and support the chemical free organic milk supply.