Camp Street upgrade set to continue

Queenstown Lakes District Council

Wednesday 28 November 2007, 12:42PM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



The Camp Street upgrade will resume from Monday, with the street’s next stages due to be some of the first capital projects delivered under the new Procurement Strategy, Queenstown Lakes District Council utilities committee chairman John Mann said.

“The street upgrade has literally straddled the introduction of procurement. Getting the strategy up and running and getting it right has meant an adjustment to the delivery time frames of some projects that were already in train,” Councillor Mann said.

“We will be getting underway as of Monday at Camp Street but the street is to be absolutely clear for the busy holiday season. That means pulling out again in a couple of weeks and recommencing next year after Waitangi weekend,” Mr Mann said.

The next stages will see a major upgrade of the sewer main along the street, followed by rebuilding the road carriageway and street-scaping.

“Tying in the two projects makes sense to me,” Mr Mann said.

Pre-Christmas work would begin on the block from Earl to Church Street, with parking affected in that section.

“It’s good to see the first projects under the Procurement Strategy roll out. It’s an improved model and the community will see a better result. Once the momentum gets underway we will also see a vast turn around in delivery, that’s what it’s all about,” Councillor Mann said.