MUNZ members meet to discuss facilitator's findings on Ports of Auckland collective agreement

Wednesday 20 February 2013, 1:24PM

By Maritime Union of New Zealand


Maritime Union of New Zealand members at the Ports of Auckland met this morning to look at the recommendations of the Employment Relations Authority facilitator on the dispute.

Maritime Union National President Garry Parsloe says a full and comprehensive report on the facilitator's confidential recommendations was given to Ports of Auckland workers at the meeting.

He says the Union will be going back into facilitation with Ports of Auckland management at 6pm today.

The Union would be seeking clarification of some of the facilitator's recommendations, and will be discussing with the facilitator the process moving forward to secure a collective employment agreement.

Mr Parsloe says there would be a fair bit of negotiation required to go forward but the Maritime Union was focussed on progress towards a settlement.