Can't Face Going Back to Work?

Monday 6 May 2013, 8:12AM

By Employment Law Experts Limited


We have had several cases recently where our client (the employee) has been off work as a result of work related stress, often caused by a difficult manager and an organisation (including the human resources department) which backs the manager over the employee.

The employee is unable to cope with the thought of any return to a toxic work environment. Usually the fault lies with the employer or a work environment made toxic because of unrealistic demands or a manager with an unpleasant way of managing staff. Even where there are faults on the employee’s part, it is almost always possible for us to get the employee out of the situation with their reputation protected and a financial payout (including a tax free amount).

No matter how bad your situation seems please talk to us before you decide to simply resign and walk away. We really can help.